Vertaling van understanding


understanding {zn.}
inteligencia [v] (la ~)
relation, understanding, connection, interrelation, relationship {zn.}
relación [v] (la ~)
acuerdo [m] (el ~)
The husband admits he has a relationship.
El esposo admite que tiene una relación.
You can't end our relationship this way.
¡No puedes acabar así con nuestra relación!
to realize, to understand, to appreciate, to apprehend, to catch, to comprehend, to see {ww.}

I was understanding
you were understanding
he/she/it was understanding

yo entendía
él/ella entendía
» meer vervoegingen van entender

I cannot understand it.
No lo puedo comprender.
You can understand Swedish.
Puedes entender el sueco.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He's very understanding.

Él es muy comprensivo.

She's very understanding.

Ella es muy comprensiva.

Thank you for your understanding.

Gracias por entender.

I keep on not understanding.

Sigo sin entender.

There was no way of understanding it.

No había forma de entenderlo.

Understanding this book is beyond my capacity.

Entender este libro está más allá de mi capacidad.

Old people have difficulty understanding modern technology.

A los ancianos les cuesta entender la tecnología moderna.

The understanding of the present is impossible without a good understanding of the past.

Es imposible tener un buen entendimiento del presente sin un buen entendimiento del pasado.

His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding.

Su idea supera mi entendimiento.

Tom says that he has no trouble understanding Mary's French.

Tom dice que no tiene problemas para entender el francés de Mary.

Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.

Leer crítica literaria es muy útil para comprender la literatura.

Tom sometimes has trouble understanding other people's feelings.

Tom a veces tiene dificultad para comprender los sentimientos ajenos.

The child was incapable of understanding his father's death.

El niño no era capaz de comprender la muerte de su padre.

I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more.

No entiendo, y no estoy acostumbrado a entender. Por favor explíquelo una vez más.

There are four major parts to the atmospheric problem: observation, understanding, prediction, and control.

Hay cuatro factores importantes del problema atmosférico: observación, entendimiento, predicción y control.

Gerelateerd aan understanding

relation - connection - interrelation - relationship - realize - understand - appreciate - apprehend - catch - comprehend - see