Vertaling van unfair


unjust, unfair, iniquitous, wrongful, wrong {bn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Life's unfair.

La vida es injusta.

Many unfair things happened.

Pasaron muchas cosas injustas.

Tom is unfair.

Tom es injusto.

That would be unfair.

Eso sería injusto.

Your criticism is unfair.

Es una censura injusta la que usted me hace.

Life is unfair.

La vida es injusta.

They were unfair with him.

Fueron injustos con él.

Tom thought it was unfair.

Tom pensó que era injusto.

Anyway, three against one is unfair.

De cualquier forma, tres contra uno es injusto.

You should've rejected such an unfair proposal.

Deberías haber rechazado una respuesta tan injusta.

It would be unfair if we treated him so badly.

Sería injusto si lo tratáramos tan mal.

It is unfair to ask someone to be like you.

Es injusto pedirle a alguien que sea como tú.

You should have refused such an unfair proposal.

Debiste de haber rechazado una propuesta tan injusta.

I would rather die than do such an unfair thing.

Preferiría morir a hacer algo tan injusto.

Poverty with honesty is preferable to wealth obtained by unfair means.

La pobreza con honestidad es preferible a la riqueza obtenida por medios injustos.

Gerelateerd aan unfair

unjust - iniquitous - wrongful - wrong