Vertaling van unfortunately


unfortunately, unhappily, accidental {bw.}
regrettably, unfortunately, alas, sadly, shame {bw.}
es una lástima

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Unfortunately it rained yesterday.

Desgraciadamente ayer llovió.

Unfortunately, she lives abroad.

Lamentablemente, ella vive en el extranjero.

Unfortunately it rained.

Desafortunadamente llovió.

Unfortunately, it's true.

Desafortunadamente es verdad.

Unfortunately, she is absent.

Desafortunadamente, ella está ausente.

It is unfortunately true.

Por desgracia, eso es cierto.

Unfortunately, it's raining today.

Por desgracia, hoy está lloviendo.

Unfortunately, Nancy was right.

Desafortunadamente, Nancy tenía razón.

Unfortunately he has already left.

Por desgracia ya se ha marchado.

Unfortunately the store was closed.

Lamentablemente la tienda estaba cerrada.

Unfortunately he refused to come.

Lamentablemente, él se rehusó a venir.

Unfortunately, I cannot help them.

Por desgracia, no los puedo ayudar.

Unfortunately, that rumor is true.

Por desgracia, ese rumor es cierto.

Unfortunately, the store was closed.

Desgraciadamente la tienda estaba cerrada.

Unfortunately, the report is true.

Esa información, desafortunadamente, es correcta.

Gerelateerd aan unfortunately

unhappily - accidental - regrettably - alas - sadly - shame