Vertaling van unpleasant


bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty, distasteful, unpleasant, disagreeable {bn.}
brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant, sullen, disagreeable {bn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He is an unpleasant fellow.

Él es un sujeto desagradable.

He had an unpleasant screechy voice.

Él tenía una desagradable voz chillona.

This fruit has an unpleasant smell.

Esta fruta tiene un olor desagradable.

He had an unpleasant expression on his face.

Tenía mal gesto.

He looks very kind, but he is unpleasant.

Él parece muy agradable, pero es desagradable.

He has an unpleasant look in his eyes.

Él tiene una mirada desagradable.

Don't you find it unpleasant walking in the rain?

¿No te incomoda caminar bajo la lluvia?

I know it's going to be unpleasant to talk about the accident.

Sé que será incómodo hablar acerca del accidente.

Going to school during the rush hour is tiring and unpleasant.

Ir al colegio en horario punta es cansador y desagradable.

Mrs. Jones is often unpleasant to her husband's secretary over the phone.

La señora Jones suele ser grosera con la secretaria de su esposo por el teléfono.

If you know that something unpleasant will happen, that you will go to the dentist for example, or to France, then that is not good.

Si sabes que va a ocurrir algo desagradable, que irás al dentista por ejemplo, o a Francia, entonces, eso no es bueno.

Gerelateerd aan unpleasant

bleak - dismal - dreary - horrible - nasty - distasteful - disagreeable - brutal - gruff - harsh - rough - sour - surly - unkind - sullen