Vertaling van wanting


absent, missing, wanting {bn.}
to desire, to wish, to want, to be anxious {ww.}

I was wanting
you were wanting
he/she/it was wanting

yo deseaba
él/ella deseaba
» meer vervoegingen van desear

You didn't seem to want that book.
No parecías desear aquel libro.
To make money one must want money.
Para hacer dinero, uno debe primero desear el dinero.
to need, to require, to want {ww.}

I was wanting
you were wanting
he/she/it was wanting

yo necesitaba
él/ella necesitaba
» meer vervoegingen van necesitar

We'll need shelter.
Vamos a necesitar refugio.
You're going to need your umbrella.
Vas a necesitar tu paraguas.
to be willing to, to want, to wish {ww.}

I was wanting
you were wanting
he/she/it was wanting

yo quería
él/ella quería
» meer vervoegingen van querer

I want to want.
Quiero querer.
I wanna want.
Quiero querer.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Not wanting is the same as having.

No desear es lo mismo que poseer.

I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come.

No puedo culpar a Tom por no querer venir.

I never see her without wanting to kiss her.

Nunca la veo, pero quiero besarla.

Happiness is probably wanting what you already have, not having what you want.

La felicidad es probablemente desear lo que ya se tiene, no tener lo que se quiere.

Wanting to protect me from myself is about as ingenious as saving a fish from drowning.

Querer protegerme de mí mismo es casi tan ingenioso como querer salvar a un pez de ahogarse.

There is a big difference between learning a language in order to understand or to say something if needed , and wanting to acquire a second language in order to command it freely, almost like you command your first language, your mother tongue.

Hay una gran diferencia entre aprender una lengua para comprender o decir algo en caso de necesidad, y la aspiración a la adquisición de una segunda lengua con el fin de expresarse libremente, casi como en la lengua primera, la lengua materna.

Gerelateerd aan wanting

absent - missing - desire - wish - want - be anxious - need - require - be willing to