Vertaling van abide


to abide, to endure, to bear, to cope, to stand, to withstand {ww.}
You must endure the pain.
Vous devez supporter la douleur.
I can’t stand her.
Je n'arrive pas à la supporter.
to abide, to linger, to remain, to stay {ww.}
Whales can remain submerged for a long time.
Les baleines peuvent demeurer submergées longtemps.
to abide, to bear, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to sustain, to ail {ww.}
to obey, to comply, to abide, to abide by {ww.}
To hear is to obey.
Entendre, c'est obéir.
Children should obey authority.
Les enfants devraient obéir à l'autorité.
to keep, to mind, to observe, to comply, to mark, to obey, to respect, to watch, to abide, to abide by {ww.}
Babies are interesting to watch.
Les bébés sont intéressants à observer.
The doctor continued to observe the patient's behavior.
Le docteur a continué à observer le comportement du patient.
to respect, to abide, to abide by {ww.}
One should respect one's spouse.
On doit respecter son conjoint.
You must respect your elders.
Vous devez respecter vos aînées.
to accomplish, to achieve, to keep, to observe, to perform, to exercise, to fulfil, to meet, to execute, to abide, to abide by {ww.}
You can't accomplish anything without taking a risk.
On ne saurait rien accomplir sans encourir de risque.
No one can achieve anything without effort.
Personne ne peut accomplir quoi que ce soit sans effort.
to follow, to come after, to succeed, to trail, to abide by, to abide {ww.}
Please follow me.
Veuillez me suivre.
You need to follow me.
Vous devez me suivre.
to remain, to stay, to stay over, to abide, to keep, to rest, to stop {ww.}
Can I stay?
Puis-je rester ?
Try to remain calm.
Essayez de rester calmes.
to endure, to put up with, to tolerate, to abide, to brook, to condone, to stand, to stomach {ww.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I can't abide his rudeness.

Je ne supporte pas son insolence.

I cannot abide such people.

Je ne supporte pas de telles personnes.

I can't abide that fellow.

Je ne supporte pas ce type.

I couldn't abide looking at it.

Je ne pouvais pas supporter de le regarder.

He did not abide by his promise.

Il n'a pas respecté sa promesse.

I can't abide hearing you cry so bitterly.

Je ne peux pas supporter de t'entendre pleurer si amèrement.

I hope that Japan will abide by Article 9 of her Constitution.

J'espère que le Japon se conformera à l'article 9 de sa Constitution.

Gerelateerd aan abide

endure - bear - cope - stand - withstand - linger - remain - stay - put up with - suffer - sustain - ail - obey - comply - abide by