Vertaling van breath


breath, wind {zn.}
souffle  [m] (le ~)
haleine  [v] (la ~)
respiration  [v] (la ~)
You have foul breath.
Tu as mauvaise haleine.
He has boozy breath.
Son haleine pue l'alcool.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Don't waste your breath.

Ne gaspillez pas votre salive.

You have foul breath.

Tu as mauvaise haleine.

He held his breath.

Il retint sa respiration.

She held her breath.

Elle retint son souffle.

He has boozy breath.

Son haleine pue l'alcool.

I have bad breath.

J'ai mauvaise haleine.

Hold your breath, please.

Retiens ta respiration, s'il te plait.

She caught her breath.

Elle a repris son souffle.

Take a deep breath.

Prenez une profonde inspiration.

He took a deep breath.

Il prit une profonde inspiration.

I can't catch my breath.

Je n'arrive pas à reprendre mon souffle.

He was out of breath.

Il était essoufflé.

His breath reeks of booze.

Son haleine empeste l'alcool.

Take a deep breath, please.

Prends une profonde inspiration, je te prie.

I ran out of breath.

J'étais à bout de souffle.

Gerelateerd aan breath
