Vertaling van flight


flight, run {zn.}
fuite  [v] (la ~)
The Germans took to flight.
Les Allemands prirent la fuite.
bevy, collection, group, heap, herd, set, pack, cluster, suite, team, shoal, flight, drove, flock {zn.}
collection  [v] (la ~)
ensemble  [m] (l' ~)
bande  [v] (la ~)
troupe  [v] (la ~)
Tom has a collection of Matryoshka dolls.
Tom a une collection de poupées russes.
He has his own collection of phobias.
Il a sa propre collection de phobies.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Have a nice flight!

Bon vol !

Has Flight 123 arrived?

Le vol cent vingt trois est-il arrivé ?

Have a nice flight.

Bon vol.

She missed her flight.

Elle loupa son vol.

He missed his flight.

Il loupa son vol.

The Germans took to flight.

Les Allemands prirent la fuite.

O time, suspend your flight!

Ô temps, suspends ton vol !

How long is the flight?

Combien de temps dure le vol?

Is flight 23 on time?

Est-ce que le vol 23 est à l'heure ?

Is it a direct flight?

Est-ce un vol direct ?

Has Flight 123 been delayed?

Le vol 123 a-t-il été retardé ?

They were pioneers of space flight.

Ils étaient les pionniers du vol spatial.

We wish you a pleasant flight.

Nous vous souhaitons un vol agréable.

Tom's flight was postponed for three hours.

Le vol de Tom a été décalé de trois heures.

A thick fog delayed our flight.

Un épais brouillard a retardé notre vol.

Gerelateerd aan flight

run - bevy - collection - group - heap - herd - set - pack - cluster - suite - team - shoal - drove - flock