Vertaling van have to


to have to, to must, to ought to, to should, to need {ww.}
être obligé 
If he really doesn't want to go, he shouldn't have to.
S'il ne veut vraiment pas partir, il ne devrait pas y être obligé.
Duty should come before anything else.
Le devoir avant tout.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I have to hurry!

Il faut que je me dépêche !

I have to apologize.

Je dois présenter mes excuses.

I have to study.

Je dois étudier.

I have to stop.

Je dois cesser.

I have to think.

Je dois réfléchir

You have to come.

Vous devez venir.

We have to move.

Il nous faut bouger.

I have to fight

Je dois me battre.

We have to go.

Il nous faut y aller.

I have to change.

Il me faut changer.

I have to run.

Je dois courir.

You have to leave.

Vous devez partir.

You have to go.

Il te faut partir.

I have to go.

Je dois m'en aller.

You don't have to sing.

Tu n'es pas obligée de chanter.

Gerelateerd aan have to

must - ought to - should - need