Vertaling van holding


custody, grip, holding, storage {zn.}
tenue  [v] (la ~)
to come to an agreement, to agree, to come into accord, to reach an accord, to get along, to concord, to concur, to hold {ww.}
se mettre en humeur
se mettre d'accord 
to agree, to accord, to be in accord, to concord, to concur, to hold {ww.}
être d'accord 
Some people seem to agree with you.
Certaines personnes semblent être d'accord avec toi.
I can't agree with you.
Je ne peux pas être d'accord avec toi.
to comprise, to contain, to include, to hold {ww.}
May contain nuts.
Peut contenir des noix.
This can hold about 4 gallons.
Ceci peut contenir environ 4 gallons.
to hold, to contain, to admit {ww.}
He tried to hold back his anger.
Il essayait de contenir sa colère.
I could barely contain my excitement.
J'ai à peine pu contenir mon excitation.
to keep, to hold, to maintain {ww.}
continuer à 
Maybe we should keep looking.
Peut-être devrions-nous continuer à regarder.
I want to keep on living with him.
Je veux continuer à vivre avec lui.
to hang onto, to hold, to retain, to keep, to maintain, to have {ww.}
I want to hold you.
Je veux te tenir.
Please keep this a secret.
Veuillez le tenir secret.
to keep, to hold, to maintain {ww.}
continuer à 
We can't keep doing this.
Nous ne pouvons pas continuer à le faire.
I can't keep doing this.
Je ne peux pas continuer à faire ça.
to agree, to accord, to be in accord, to concord, to concur, to hold {ww.}
être d'accord 

I am holding

to deem, to opine, to think, to account, to feel, to hold, to reckon, to see {ww.}
penser que
être d'avis 

I am holding

to cause, to cause to take place, to hold, to organize, to provoke, to stage {ww.}

I am holding

to occupy, to take, to engage, to fill, to hold, to involve {ww.}

I am holding

to keep, to hold, to maintain {ww.}
continuer à 

I am holding

to agree, to accord, to be in accord, to concord, to concur, to hold {ww.}
être d'accord 

I am holding

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


How're you holding up?

Comment faites-vous face ?

We were just holding hands.

Nous ne faisions que nous tenir la main.

How are you holding up?

Comment résistez-vous ?

She was holding an umbrella.

Elle tenait un parapluie.

Tom is holding Mary in his arms.

Tom tient Marie dans ses bras.

What are you holding in your hand?

Qu'avez-vous dans la main ?

He is holding up her work.

Il l'empêche de faire son travail.

Who is that woman holding the flowers?

Qui est cette femme qui tient les fleurs ?

The fat woman was holding a monkey.

La dame obèse tenait un singe dans ses mains.

Guess what I'm holding in my hand.

Devinez ce que je tiens dans ma main !

Why are you holding my hands?

Pourquoi tiens-tu mes mains ?

My brother is holding a camera in his hand.

Mon frère a un appareil photo à la main.

We watched the game while holding our breath.

Nous regardâmes le match en retenant notre souffle.

I don't want to be left holding the bag.

Je n'ai pas envie de me retrouver à porter le sac.

She is holding her baby in her arms.

Elle tient son bébé dans ses bras.