Vertaling van liking


taste, flavour, liking, savour {zn.}
goût  [m] (le ~)
You have no taste.
Tu n'as aucun goût.
It's a question of taste.
Affaire de goût.
sympathy, congeniality, liking, fellow-feeling {zn.}
sympathie  [v] (la ~)
His sympathy was mere show.
Sa sympathie n'était qu'apparence.
I felt sympathy for him.
Je ressentais de la sympathie pour lui.
to appreciate, to like, to enjoy, to fancy, to love, to think highly of, to prize, to think well of, to have a high regard for {ww.}
To love life is to love God.
Aimer la vie, c'est aimer Dieu.
We should love our neighbors.
Nous devons aimer nos voisins.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


That isn't to my liking.

Ça ne me plaît pas.

She has a strong liking for cooking.

Elle aime beaucoup cuisiner.

Not liking carrots, he didn't eat it.

N'aimant pas les carottes, il ne le mangea pas.

Fred took a liking to Jane and they started seeing each other.

Fred commença à aimer Jane, et ils ont commencé à se voir.