Vertaling van look after


to look after, to nurse, to babysit {ww.}
veiller sur 
Now that he is old, it is your duty to go look after him.
À présent qu'il est vieux, c'est ton devoir de veiller sur lui.
to look after, to maintain, to take care of, to care for, to attend {ww.}
to guard, to keep, to look after, to watch over, to preserve, to safeguard, to watch {ww.}
I want to keep that.
Je veux garder cela.
We must look after her children this evening.
Nous devons garder ses enfants, ce soir.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'll look after that child.

Je surveillerai cet enfant.

Will you look after my baggage?

Surveillerez-vous mes bagages ?

Who should look after the elderly?

Qui devrait s'occuper des personnes âgées ?

I have to look after this cat.

Je dois m'occuper de ce chat.

I must look after the rabbits.

Je dois m'occuper des lapins.

Can you help look after the kids?

Pouvez-vous aider à s'occuper des enfants ?

I had to look after the children.

J'ai dû surveiller les enfants.

Who will look after the baby?

Qui s'occupera du bébé ?

I promise you I'll look after you.

Je vous promets que je m'occuperai de vous.

I had to look after you.

Il m'a fallu m'occuper de toi.

Who will look after your dog?

Qui s'occupera de votre chien ?

You must look after the child.

Tu dois t'occuper de l'enfant.

Were I to die, who would look after my children?

Si je venais à mourir, qui s'occuperait de mes enfants ?

Who would look after my children if I died?

Qui s'occupera de mes enfants si je meurs ?

I'll look after your affairs when you are dead.

Je m'occuperai de tes affaires quand tu seras mort.

Gerelateerd aan look after

nurse - babysit - maintain - take care of - care for - attend - guard - keep - watch over - preserve - safeguard - watch