Vertaling van output


to accomplish, to achieve, to finish, to consummate, to output, to perform, to produce {ww.}
to draw out, to drive out, to express, to utter, to output, to release, to vent, to void {ww.}
efficiency, output, yield {zn.}
rendement  [m] (le ~)
Don't confuse "efficacy" with "efficiency".
Ne confondez pas efficacité et rendement.
A 6% yield is guaranteed on the investment.
Un rendement de 6% sur investissement est garanti.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Global agricultural output was expanding.

La production agricole mondiale croissait.

The output of this factory has increased by 20%.

La production de cette usine a augmenté de 20%.

I want you to redirect the output of this command into that file.

Je veux que tu rediriges la sortie de cette commande vers ce fichier.

Thanks to the technological innovation, the maximum output of the factory has doubled.

Grâce à l'innovation technologique, le maximum de rendement de l'usine a doublé.

You need to filter the output of this command in order to display only the lines with "foo" inside.

Vous devez filtrer la sortie de cette commande afin de n'afficher que les lignes contenant "foo".

Gross national product is a nation's total output of goods and services as measured in monetary value.

Le produit national brut est la somme de la production totale de biens et de services en valeur financière.

Gerelateerd aan output

accomplish - achieve - finish - consummate - perform - produce - draw out - drive out - express - utter - release - vent - void - efficiency - yield