Vertaling van put up with


to abide, to bear, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to sustain, to ail {ww.}
I could hardly endure the pain.
Je pourrais à peine endurer la douleur.
How much more suffering can they endure?
Combien de souffrance peuvent-elles encore endurer ?
to endure, to put up with, to tolerate, to abide, to brook, to condone, to stand, to stomach {ww.}
How can you put up with that guy?
Comment peux-tu tolérer ce type ?
I can't put up with the heat any longer.
Je ne peux plus tolérer cette chaleur.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I cannot put up with this noise.

Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit.

I can't put up with this smell.

Je ne peux pas supporter cette odeur.

I can't put up with him.

Je ne peux pas le supporter.

I cannot put up with her behavior.

Je ne peux pas supporter son attitude.

I can't put up with these insults.

Je ne peux pas tolérer ces insultes.

I can't put up with his arrogance.

Je ne peux pas supporter son arrogance.

I can't put up with the noise.

Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit.

I couldn't put up with his rudeness.

Je ne pouvais supporter sa grossièreté.

I can't put up with that noise.

Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit.

I can't put up with it.

Je ne peux pas le supporter.

I cannot put up with his arrogance.

Je ne peux plus supporter son arrogance.

Why do you put up with that?

Pourquoi supportez-vous cela ?

I can't put up with him any longer.

Je ne peux pas le supporter plus longtemps.

I can't put up with that loud noise.

Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit fort.

I can't put up with his violence any longer.

Je ne peux supporter sa violence plus longtemps.

Gerelateerd aan put up with

abide - bear - endure - suffer - sustain - ail - tolerate - brook - condone - stand - stomach