Vertaling van to alarm
to appal, to dismay, to puzzle, to alarm, to dumbfound, to stun, to stupefy, to disconcert, to startle, to stagger, to take aback, to astound {ww.}
I alarm
you alarm
we alarm
je stupéfie
tu stupéfies
nous stupéfions
» meer vervoegingen van stupéfier
I alarm
you alarm
we alarm
je redoute
tu redoutes
nous redoutons
» meer vervoegingen van redouter
to agitate, to alarm, to disturb, to perturb, to ruffle, to trouble, to unsettle, to upset, to worry {ww.}
I alarm
you alarm
we alarm
je préoccupe
tu préoccupes
nous préoccupons
» meer vervoegingen van préoccuper
We have other things to do than worry about keeping up appearances.
Nous avons d'autres choses à faire que de nous préoccuper de maintenir les apparences.