Vertaling van watch out


to watch, to view, to witness {ww.}
regarder un spectacle
être spectateur de
assister à 
to pay attention, to pay attention to, to heed, to watch out, to mind, to be attentive, to be attentive to {ww.}
to keep an eye on, to spy on, to watch, to watch for, to keep watch {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

je épie
tu épies
nous épions
» meer vervoegingen van épier

to guard, to keep, to look after, to watch over, to preserve, to safeguard, to watch {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

je garde
tu gardes
nous gardons
» meer vervoegingen van garder

I want to keep that.
Je veux garder cela.
We must look after her children this evening.
Nous devons garder ses enfants, ce soir.
to keep, to mind, to observe, to comply, to mark, to obey, to respect, to watch, to abide, to abide by {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

tu observes
nous observons
» meer vervoegingen van observer

Babies are interesting to watch.
Les bébés sont intéressants à observer.
The doctor continued to observe the patient's behavior.
Le docteur a continué à observer le comportement du patient.
to consider, to deem, to look, to regard, to view, to watch, to see {ww.}

I watch
you watch
we watch

je regarde
tu regardes
nous regardons
» meer vervoegingen van regarder

I like to watch TV.
J'aime regarder la télé.
Does she want to look at it?
Veut-elle le regarder ?

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Watch out!

Attention !

Watch out for zombies.

Attention aux zombis !

Watch out for that man.

Prends garde à cet homme-là.

Watch out! This monkey is vicious.

Attention ! Ce singe est violent.

Watch out for thieves around here.

Fais gaffe aux voleurs dans le coin.

Watch out, the man has a gun.

Attention, l'homme a un pistolet.

Watch out! There's a speed camera.

Attention ! Il y a un flash.

"Watch out for the trap!" she screamed.

"Attention au piège ! ", hurla-t-elle.

There are jellyfish out there today, so watch out.

Il y a des méduses aujourd'hui, alors fais attention.

Watch out! A police spy is snooping around.

Attention ! un indic traîne dans les parages.

Watch out mom, these are coming your way!

Faites attention, mère, ils s'en viennent vers toi.

Watch out! (or: be alert!)


Hot weather will continue, so please watch out for food poisoning.

Le temps chaud va persister donc fais attention aux intoxications alimentaires.

Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace!

Attention aux braises qui s'échappent de l'âtre !

If you go into the forest, watch out for the man-eating ogres!

Si tu vas dans la forêt, fais attention aux ogres mangeurs d'hommes !