Vertaling van wound


to hurt, to wound, to injure, to maul {ww.}

I wound
you wound
we wound

je blesse
tu blesses
nous blessons
» meer vervoegingen van blesser

Someone might get hurt.
Quelqu'un pourrait se blesser.
They can't hurt me.
Elles ne peuvent me blesser.
injury, wound, lesion {zn.}
blessure  [v] (la ~)
His wound was bleeding.
Sa blessure saignait.
Let me see your wound.
Montre-moi ta blessure.
to roll, to roll up, to wind, to wind up, to wrap round, to wrap {ww.}

I wound
you wound
he/she/it wound

tu enroulais
il/elle enroulait
» meer vervoegingen van enrouler

to meander, to twist, to wind around, to slither, to wind, to weave {ww.}
courber à plusieurs reprises

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He wound a bandage around the wound.

Il enroula un bandage autour de la blessure.

His wound was bleeding.

Sa blessure saignait.

The wound won't close.

La blessure ne veut pas se refermer.

Don't touch the wound.

Ne touchez pas la blessure.

Rub salt in the wound.

Appuyer là où ça fait mal.

Let me see your wound.

Montre-moi ta blessure.

The wound has not yet healed.

La blessure n'est pas encore guérie.

She applied her handkerchief to his wound.

Elle appliqua son mouchoir sur sa plaie.

She applied a bandage to the wound.

Elle pansa la plaie.

The road wound through the fields.

La route serpentait à travers champs.

Clocks used to be wound every day.

L'horloge devait être remontée chaque jour.

She took care of his wound.

Elle s'est occupée de sa blessure.

Pus has formed in the wound.

Du pus s'est formé dans la plaie.

Words wound more easily than they heal.

Les mots blessent plus facilement qu'ils ne guérissent.

This looks like a gunshot wound.

On dirait une blessure par balle.

Gerelateerd aan wound

hurt - injure - maul - injury - lesion - roll - roll up - wind - wind up - wrap round - wrap - meander - twist - wind around - slither