Vertaling van as well


also, likewise, too, as well, in addition {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He studies Chinese as well.

Lui studia anche cinese.

I like this color as well.

Anche a me piace questo colore.

You might as well wait until Tuesday.

Potresti, a questo punto, aspettare Martedì.

I like volleyball as well as basketball.

Mi piacciono sia la pallavolo sia il basket.

I as well as you am to blame.

Anche io come lei sono da incolpare.

He likes not only music but sports as well.

Gli piace non solo la musica ma anche lo sport.

He gave me not just advice, but money as well.

Lui non mi diede solamente dei consigli, ma anche dei soldi.

And yet, the contrary is always true as well.

Eppure, è sempre vero anche il contrario.

He likes not only baseball but football as well.

Gli piace non solo il baseball ma anche il calcio.

Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can.

Tom sa parlare francese quasi bene come Mary.

Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary.

Tom sa parlare francese quasi bene come Mary.

She sings as well as plays the piano.

Lei canta e suona il piano.

We may as well keep it a secret.

Tanto vale che ce lo teniamo per noi.

I can't speak English as well as he can.

Non so parlare inglese bene come lui.

Please give me some strong coffee as well.

Mi dia anche del caffè forte!

Gerelateerd aan as well

also - likewise - too - in addition