Vertaling van attend


to attend, to nurse, to tend to, to care {ww.}

I attend
you attend
we attend

io curo
tu curi
noi curiamo
» meer vervoegingen van curare

to attend, to call on, to see, to visit {ww.}

I attend
you attend
we attend

io visito
tu visiti
noi visitiamo
» meer vervoegingen van visitare

I want to visit Korea.
Voglio visitare la Corea.
I should visit Kyoto.
Io dovrei visitare Kyoto.
to look after, to maintain, to take care of, to care for, to attend {ww.}
prendere a cuore
to accompany, to attend, to attach to, to come with, to go with {ww.}

I attend
you attend
we attend

io accompagno
tu accompagni
noi accompagnamo
» meer vervoegingen van accompagnare

to accompany, to attend, to attach to, to come with, to go with {ww.}

I attend
you attend
we attend

io accompagno
tu accompagni
noi accompagnamo
» meer vervoegingen van accompagnare

to serve, to act, to attend {ww.}

I attend
you attend
we attend

io servo
tu servi
noi serviamo
» meer vervoegingen van servire

Any excuse will serve a tyrant.
Tutte le scuse potrebbero servire ad un tiranno.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'll attend.


Every member must attend.

Ogni membro deve partecipare.

To attend is important!

È importante partecipare!

I'll attend the meeting.

Io parteciperò alla riunione.

I can't attend the meeting.

Non riesco a partecipare all'appuntamento.

Tom has a meeting to attend.

Tom deve partecipare a una riunione.

I had intended to attend the meeting.

Avevo l'intenzione di andare al meeting.

You should attend to your own business.

Dovresti occuparti degli affari tuoi.

I am willing to attend the meeting.

Sono disposta a partecipare alla riunione.

I'd like to attend the party.

Mi piacerebbe andare alla festa.

Are you going to attend the meeting?

Tu parteciperai alla riunione?

She paid to attend the concert.

Lei pagò per assistere al concerto.

She wants to attend the party.

Lei vuole partecipare alla festa.

Tomorrow the teacher will not attend the class.

Domani il professore non fa lezione.

It is not necessary for us to attend the meeting.

Non siamo tenuti a partecipare alla riunione.

Gerelateerd aan attend

nurse - tend to - care - call on - see - visit - look after - maintain - take care of - care for - accompany - attach to - come with - go with - serve