Vertaling van bother


to bother, to disturb, to hinder, to trouble, to annoy, to encumber, to hassle, to irritate, to inconvenience, to hamper, to baffle {ww.}

I bother
you bother
we bother

io disturbo
tu disturbi
noi disturbiamo
» meer vervoegingen van disturbare

Don't disturb me.
Non mi disturbare.
I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Farò del mio meglio per non disturbare il tuo studio.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Don't bother.

Non disturbi.

I won't bother you.

Non ti disturberò.

It doesn't bother me.

A me non dà fastidio.

Tom won't bother you anymore.

Tom non la disturberà più.

Tom won't bother you again.

Tom non la disturberà ancora.

May I bother you for a moment?

Posso disturbarla per un momento?

Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing.

Non disturbare i tuoi genitori con una cosa così futile.

Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying.

Tom non voleva disturbare Mary mentre stava studiando.

I saw you working and I didn't bother you.

Ho visto che lavoravi e non ti ho disturbato.

Don't bother me, I'm studying a difficult thing.

Non mi disturbi, sto studiando una cosa difficile.

Will it bother you if I turn on the radio?

Ti disturbo se accendo la radio?

Even though Tom translated the letter for Mary, she didn't bother to read his translation.

Anche se Tom aveva tradotto la lettera per Mary, lei non si preoccupò di leggere la sua traduzione.

Gerelateerd aan bother

disturb - hinder - trouble - annoy - encumber - hassle - irritate - inconvenience - hamper - baffle