Vertaling van have got


to have, to have got {ww.}
May you have happiness.
Possiate avere felicità.
To have lots of disasters.
Avere molti disastri.
to have, to receive, to get, to catch {ww.}

I have got
you have got
we have got

io ho ricevuto
tu hai ricevuto
noi abbiamo ricevuto
» meer vervoegingen van ricevere

You can't get anything for nothing.
Non si può ricevere niente per niente.
Santa Claus, I want to receive a girlfriend for Christmas.
Babbo Natale, voglio ricevere una fidanzata per Natale.
to fetch, to get, to pick up, to bring {ww.}

I have got
you have got
we have got

io ho ottenuto
tu hai ottenuto
noi abbiamo ottenuto
» meer vervoegingen van ottenere

You've got to get a steady job.
Dovete ottenere un lavoro fisso.
I found it necessary to get a loan.
Trovai necessario ottenere un prestito.
to lay hold of, to pick up, to take, to get {ww.}

I have got
you have got
we have got

io ho preso
tu hai preso
noi abbiamo preso
» meer vervoegingen van prendere

Don't pick up the cat.
Non prendere in braccio il gatto.
I bent over to pick up the pen.
Mi sono piegato per prendere la penna.
to acquire, to get, to obtain, to gain, to secure {ww.}

I have got
you have got
we have got

io ho ottenuto
tu hai ottenuto
noi abbiamo ottenuto
» meer vervoegingen van ottenere

You have to acquire as soon as possible a good knowledge of business English.
Devi acquisire al più presto una buona conoscenza dell'inglese commerciale.
You must acquire as soon as possible a good knowledge of business English.
Devi acquisire al più presto una buona conoscenza dell'inglese commerciale.
to arrive, to get, to end up {ww.}

I have got
you have got
we have got

io sono arrivato
tu sei arrivato
noi siamo arrivati
» meer vervoegingen van arrivare

We hope to arrive on time.
Speriamo di arrivare in tempo.
Tom was the last to arrive.
Tom fu l'ultimo ad arrivare.
to accomplish, to attain, to get, to reach, to achieve, to arrive at {ww.}

I have got
you have got
we have got

io sono arrivato
tu sei arrivato
noi siamo arrivati
» meer vervoegingen van arrivare

The airplane is to arrive at ten o'clock.
L'aereo deve arrivare alle dieci in punto.
Could you tell me how to get there?
Potete dirmi come arrivare lì?

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I have got beautiful eyes.

Io ho dei begli occhi.

I should have got that promotion.

Io avrei dovuto ottenere quella promozione.

I have got a new bike.

Ho una bicicletta nuova.

I have got into Hyogo University.

Io sono entrata nella Hyogo University.

I have got to go now.

Devo partire ora.

I have got a personal computer.

Io ho un computer personale.

We have got two daughters and two sons.

Noi abbiamo due figlie e due figli.

You need not have got up so early.

Non hai bisogno di alzarti così presto.

Gerelateerd aan have got

have - receive - get - catch - fetch - pick up - bring - lay hold of - take - acquire - obtain - gain - secure - arrive - end up