Vertaling van look


to consider, to deem, to look, to regard, to view, to watch, to see {ww.}

I look
you look
we look

io guardo
tu guardi
noi guardiamo
» meer vervoegingen van guardare

It's boring to watch.
È noiosa da guardare.
You can watch television.
Può guardare la televisione.
to appear, to appear to be, to seem, to look, to act {ww.}

I look
you look
we look

io paio
tu pari
noi paiamo
» meer vervoegingen van parere

to appear, to look, to seem, to look like {ww.}

I look
you look
we look

io paio
tu pari
noi paiamo
» meer vervoegingen van parere

appearance, look, semblance {zn.}
John is brave in appearance, but is in reality a coward.
John è in apparenza coraggioso, però in realtà è un codardo.
appearance, aspect, look, sight, view, countenance, guise, respect {zn.}
I like the way you look.
Mi piace il tuo aspetto.
Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.
L'immaginazione colpisce ogni aspetto della nostra vita.
expression, mien, look, air, appearance {zn.}
We are breathing pure air.
Respiriamo aria pura.
Air those shoes!
Dai aria a quelle scarpe!

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Don't look at Tom. Look at me.

Non guardi Tom. Guardi me.

Look into the box.

Guarda nella scatola.

Look, it's snowing!

Guarda, nevica!

You two look great!

Voi due sembrate meravigliosi!

You girls look amazing!

Voi ragazze sembrate straordinarie!

Look into my eyes.

Mi guardi negli occhi.

You look European.

Sembrate europee.

Really? You look younger.

Veramente? Sembrate più giovani.

Please look for it.

Cercalo per favore.

You look stunning!

Sembra stupenda!

Look at the blackboard.

Guardi la lavagna.

Look at the girls.

Guardate le ragazze.

Look at those cattle.

Guardate quel bestiame.

You look tired.

Sembra stanca.

You look pale.

Sembra pallida.

Gerelateerd aan look

consider - deem - regard - view - watch - see - appear - appear to be - seem - act - look like - appearance - semblance - aspect - sight