Vertaling van paint


to paint, to colour {ww.}

I paint
you paint
we paint

io tingo
tu tingi
noi tingiamo
» meer vervoegingen van tingere

to paint {ww.}

I paint
you paint
we paint

io dipingo
tu dipingi
noi dipingiamo
» meer vervoegingen van dipingere

It took me several hours to paint that room.
Mi ci vollero diverse ore per dipingere quella camera.
It was not until he was forty that he started to paint pictures.
Solo quando aveva quarant'anni cominciò a dipingere.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


We'll paint it.

La dipingeremo.

The paint hasn't dried yet.

La pittura non si è ancora seccata.

The paint was coming off the wall.

La vernice stava venendo via dal muro.

Do you want me to paint you?

Vuoi che ti dipinga?

Why did you paint the bench red?

Perché hai dipinto la panchina di rosso?

He does not paint the walls but wallpapers them.

Lui non dipinge le pareti, ma le ricopre con la carta da parati.

I'm looking for a school where I can paint portraits.

Sto cercando una scuola dove poter dipingere ritratti.

I had him paint the gate last week.

Gli ho fatto pitturare il cancello la settimana scorsa.

We had Tom paint the fence light green.

Abbiamo fatto pitturare lo steccato di verde chiaro da Tom.

It took me several hours to paint that room.

Mi ci vollero diverse ore per dipingere quella camera.

It was not until he was forty that he started to paint pictures.

Solo quando aveva quarant'anni cominciò a dipingere.

As soon as I can get the chance, I'll help your mother paint the fence.

Appena avrò l'occasione aiuterò vostra madre a dipingere lo steccato.

Gerelateerd aan paint
