Vertaling van painting


painting, picture {zn.}
Jack is interested in painting.
A Jack interessa la pittura.
I'm going to France to study painting.
Vado in Francia a studiare pittura.
to paint, to colour {ww.}
to paint {ww.}
It took me several hours to paint that room.
Mi ci vollero diverse ore per dipingere quella camera.
It was not until he was forty that he started to paint pictures.
Solo quando aveva quarant'anni cominciò a dipingere.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tom's painting.

Tom sta pitturando.

Who painted this painting?

Chi ha dipinto questo quadro?

I'm painting Easter eggs.

Io sto pitturando uova di Pasqua.

Jack is interested in painting.

A Jack interessa la pittura.

How old is that painting?

Che età ha quel dipinto?

Ann finished painting the picture.

Ann finì di dipingere il ritratto.

The children are creating a painting.

I bambini stanno facendo un quadro.

I'm going to France to study painting.

Vado in Francia a studiare pittura.

My brother has a gift for painting.

Mio fratello è dotato per la pittura.

The painting is candy to the eyes.

Il quadro è un piacere per gli occhi.

The art teacher is painting the night.

L'insegnante d'arte dipinge la notte.

Don't buy this painting; it's a fake.

Non comprate questo quadro: è un'imitazione.

Have you ever tried body painting?

Hai mai provato il body painting?

You're painting your heart with your blood.

Stai dipingendo il tuo cuore con il tuo sangue.

That painting by Rembrandt is a work of art.

Quel dipinto di Rembrandt è un capolavoro.

Gerelateerd aan painting

picture - paint - colour