Vertaling van quarrel


quarrel, altercation, controversy, dispute, squabble, wrangle {zn.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Don't quarrel over trifles.

Non litigare per delle sciocchezze.

Brothers should not quarrel.

I fratelli non dovrebbero discutere.

One can't quarrel with destiny.

Non si può discutere col destino.

Whenever they meet, they quarrel.

Ogni volta che si incontrano litigano.

Tom and Mary quarrel almost every day.

Tom e Mary litigano quasi ogni giorno.

They never talk but they quarrel.

Non parlano mai loro, litigano.

It takes two to make a quarrel.

Bisogna essere in due per litigare.

Adolescents often quarrel with their parents.

Gli adolescenti litigano spesso coi loro genitori.

Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding.

Molti litigi avvengono per una incomprensione.

John had a violent quarrel with his wife.

John litigò violentemente con sua moglie.

Gerelateerd aan quarrel

altercation - controversy - dispute - squabble - wrangle