Vertaling van stand by


to stand {ww.}
stare in piedi
I was too tired to stand.
Ero troppo stanco per stare in piedi.
to support, to sustain, to countenance, to espouse, to maintain, to uphold, to second, to back, to stand by, to back up {ww.}
I cannot support your conduct.
Non posso appoggiare il vostro comportamento.
He has a family to support.
Lui ha una famiglia da sostenere.
to get up, to rise, to stand, to stand up {ww.}
Amy made an effort to stand up.
Amy fece uno sforzo per alzarsi.
Time to get up.
È ora di alzarsi.
to endure, to put up with, to tolerate, to abide, to brook, to condone, to stand, to stomach {ww.}

I stand
you stand
we stand

io sopporto
tu sopporti
noi sopportiamo
» meer vervoegingen van sopportare

I can't abide that rude man.
Non posso sopportare quell'uomo maleducato.
I can't put up with the noise any longer.
Non posso più sopportare questo rumore.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I will stand by you whatever happens.

Qualunque cosa accada, sarò con te.

How long can the world stand by and watch these atrocities?

Per quanto tempo il mondo può aspettare e guardare queste atrocità?

Gerelateerd aan stand by

stand - support - sustain - countenance - espouse - maintain - uphold - second - back - back up - get up - rise - stand up - endure - put up with