Vertaling van worn-out


hackneyed, hard-worked, stale, trite, worn-out {bn.}
trito e ritrito
to continue, to endure, to keep on, to last, to persist, to wear {ww.}

I have worn
you have worn
he/she/it has worn

io ho durato
tu hai durato
lui/lei/Lei ha durato
» meer vervoegingen van durare

It cannot last long.
Non può durare a lungo.
to wear {ww.}

I have worn
you have worn
he/she/it has worn

io ho portato
tu hai portato
lui/lei/Lei ha portato
» meer vervoegingen van portare

to carry, to wear, to bear, to wash {ww.}

I have worn
you have worn
he/she/it has worn

io ho portato
tu hai portato
lui/lei/Lei ha portato
» meer vervoegingen van portare

He had to carry the bag.
Ha dovuto portare la borsa.
Aya tends to carry things to extremes.
Aya tende a portare le cose all'estremo.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Why do you look so worn out?

Perché hai un aspetto così strapazzato?

I have worn out my shoes.

Mi si sono consumate le scarpe.

I am worn out from working all day.

Sono spossato per aver lavorato tutto il giorno.

Tom worked all day and was completely worn out.

Tom lavorò tutto il giorno ed era completamente esausto.

She was worn out, and leaned against the apple tree.

Era sfinita e si appoggiò al melo.

I will have to get rid of this worn-out carpet.

Dovrò sbarazzarmi di questo tappeto usurato.

I was worn out because I had to take care of so many children.

Ero stato logorato dal prendermi cura di così tanti bambini.

Gerelateerd aan worn-out

hackneyed - hard-worked - stale - trite - continue - endure - keep on - last - persist - wear - carry - bear - wash