Vertaling van conviction


belief, conviction, creed {zn.}
overtuiging  [v]
An opinion is shocking only if it is a conviction.
Een mening is alleen schokkerend wanneer ze een overtuiging is.
article of faith, conviction, strong belief {zn.}
overtuiging [v] (de ~)
condemnation, conviction, judgment of conviction, sentence {zn.}
veroordeling [v] (de ~)
article of faith, conviction, strong belief {zn.}
credo [o] (het ~)
condemnation, conviction, judgment of conviction, sentence {zn.}
uitspraak [m] (de ~)
The defendant appealed against the sentence without hesitation.
De beklaagde ging zonder aarzelen in beroep tegen de uitspraak.

Gerelateerd aan conviction

belief - creed - article of faith - strong belief - condemnation - judgment of conviction - sentencejudgement - opinion - announcement