Vertaling van lecture fee


lecture fee {zn.}
collegegeld [o]
to lecture {ww.}
college geven
to lecture, to discourse, to address {ww.}
een spreekbeurt houden
een lezing houden
to bawl out, to berate, to call down, to call on the carpet, to chew out, to chew up, to chide, to dress down, to have words, to jaw, to lambast, to lambaste, to lecture, to rag, to rebuke, to remonstrate, to reprimand, to reproof, to scold, to take to task, to trounce {ww.}

I lecture
you lecture
we lecture

ik kijf
jij kijft
wij kijven
» meer vervoegingen van kijven

to bawl out, to berate, to call down, to call on the carpet, to chew out, to chew up, to chide, to dress down, to have words, to jaw, to lambast, to lambaste, to lecture, to rag, to rebuke, to remonstrate, to reprimand, to reproof, to scold, to take to task, to trounce {ww.}

I lecture
you lecture
we lecture

ik corrigeer
jij corrigeert
wij corrigeren
» meer vervoegingen van corrigeren

to bawl out, to berate, to call down, to call on the carpet, to chew out, to chew up, to chide, to dress down, to have words, to jaw, to lambast, to lambaste, to lecture, to rag, to rebuke, to remonstrate, to reprimand, to reproof, to scold, to take to task, to trounce {ww.}

I lecture
you lecture
we lecture

ik kauw fijn
jij kauwt fijn
wij kauwen fijn
» meer vervoegingen van fijnkauwen

Gerelateerd aan lecture fee

lecture - discourse - address - bawl out - berate - call down - call on the carpet - chew out - chew up - chide - dress down - have words - jaw - lambast - lambasterampage - penalise - chew