Vertaling van combatir


combatir {ww.}
to fight 
to combat 
to counter
to fight against
to contend with
Lo enviaron a combatir.
He was sent into combat.
Algunos no sabían combatir.
Some did not know how to fight.
batallar, combatir {ww.}
to fight 
to battle 
to contend
to strive
to struggle 
Las fuerzas rebeldes se prepararon para combatir.
Rebel forces prepared to fight.
Los soldados perdieron el valor para combatir.
The soldiers lost the courage to fight.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Algunos no sabían combatir.

Some did not know how to fight.

Lo enviaron a combatir.

He was sent into combat.

Los doctores recomiendan medicamentos para combatir enfermedades.

Doctors suggest drugs to fight diseases.

Debe usted combatir esa tendencia que tiene.

You've got to fight that tendency of yours.

Las fuerzas rebeldes se prepararon para combatir.

Rebel forces prepared to fight.

Los soldados perdieron el valor para combatir.

The soldiers lost the courage to fight.

La música es una buena manera de combatir el silencio.

Music is a good way to fight silence.

Yo no sé con qué armas se va a combatir en la tercera guerra mundial, pero la cuarta se combatirá con piedras y palos.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

Pongan fin al monocultivo de maíz, y restablezcan el cultivo combinado, para combatir la pérdida de paisajes y la diversidad de terrenos.

Stop maize monoculture, and reestablish multiple cropping, to combat the loss of landscape and soil diversity.

Gerelateerd aan combatir
