Vertaling van llorar


llorar {ww.}
to cry 
to weep 
Quiero llorar.
I want to cry.
Si querés llorar, llorá.
If you want to cry, cry.
deplorar, llorar {ww.}
to bewail

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Quiero llorar.

I want to cry.

Tom empezó a llorar.

Tom started crying.

No pudimos evitar llorar.

We couldn't help weeping.

Ella lo hizo llorar.

She made him cry.

Ella empezó a llorar.

She began crying.

Él rompió a llorar.

He burst into tears.

Le hizo llorar.

He made her cry.

Tom va a llorar.

Tom will cry.

Le hicimos llorar.

We made him cry.

Empecé a llorar.

I burst into tears.

Tenía ganas de llorar.

I felt like crying.

Le oyó llorar.

She heard him cry.

Empecé a llorar.

I began to cry.

La hice llorar.

I made her cry.

Siento ganas de llorar.

Tears came to my eyes.

Gerelateerd aan llorar
