Vertaling van lustrar


lustrar {ww.}
to polish
to wax 
¡No olvides lustrar tus zapatos antes de salir!
Don't forget to polish your shoes before you go out!
Deberías lustrar tus zapatos antes de ir a la fiesta.
You should polish your shoes before you go to the party.
pulir, pulimentar, lustrar, bruñir {ww.}
to polish
aprestar, lustrar {ww.}
to gloss
to press 

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tom quería lustrar sus zapatos.

Tom wanted me to give you this.

¡No olvides lustrar tus zapatos antes de salir!

Don't forget to polish your shoes before you go out!

Deberías lustrar tus zapatos antes de ir a la fiesta.

You should polish your shoes before you go to the party.

Gerelateerd aan lustrar

pulir - pulimentar - bruñir - aprestar