Vertaling van soltar
Voorbeelden in zinsverband
El perro no quería soltar la pelota.
The dog wouldn't let go of the ball.
Para soltar un tornillo, gíralo hacia la derecha.
To loosen a screw, turn it to the left.
Unos vasos de vino pueden soltar la lengua.
A few glasses of wine can loosen the tongue.
Ese niño no quería soltar la mano de su madre.
That child wouldn't let go of his mother's hand.
Era la clase de coche extraño que me hace querer soltar, "¿qué diablos es eso?"
It was the sort of weird car that made me want to blurt out, "what the heck is that?"
Me aferré a la soga tanto como pude pero al final tuve que soltar.
I held onto the rope for as long as I could, but I finally had to let go.
Ella puede soltar la más atroz mentira sin pestañear los ojos.
She can tell the most outrageous lie without batting an eye.
Tu interpretación suena un poco forzada. Tiene que soltar tus dedos.
Your playing sounds a bit stilted. You have to loosen up your fingers.