Vertaling van vestir


vestir {ww.}
to dress 
to attire
to array 
to suit 
to fit 
to clothe 
Uno se debería vestir bien.
One should dress oneself well.
Le gusta vestir a la antigua.
She likes to dress in an old-fashioned way.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Uno se debería vestir bien.

One should dress oneself well.

A ellos les gusta vestir colores claros.

They like to wear bright colors.

Le gusta vestir a la antigua.

She likes to dress in an old-fashioned way.

¿Cuál es tu prenda de vestir favorita?

What's your favorite item of clothing?

Ella es descuidada en su forma de vestir.

She is careless about the way she dresses.

Es muy abandonado en su manera de vestir.

He's very sloppy in his dress.

La abuela de Gema siempre le dice que va a quedarse para vestir santos cuando esta le comenta que está esperando a su hombre ideal.

Gema's grandmother always tells her granddaughter that she's going to be left on the shelf when the latter tells her that she's waiting for Mr. Right.