Vertaling van pouvoir


pouvoir {ww.}
to be able to
to be able to
to may
Contente de pouvoir t’aider.
Glad to be able to assist you.
On espérait pouvoir gagner la partie.
We hoped we'd be able to win the game.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Contente de pouvoir t’aider.

Glad to be able to assist you.

J'aimerais pouvoir m'attarder.

I wish I could stay longer.

Tom aimerait pouvoir voler.

Tom wishes he could fly.

J'aurais aimé pouvoir t'aider.

I wish I could help you.

J'aimerais pouvoir te voir.

I wish I could see you.

J'espère pouvoir la voir.

I hope that I'll see her.

Le pouvoir absolu corrompt absolument.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

J'aimerais pouvoir arrêter de fumer.

I wish I could give up smoking.

Il a un pouvoir absolu.

He has absolute power.

Il l'a en son pouvoir.

He has her under his thumb.

Je pense pouvoir le prouver.

I think I can prove it.

La richesse génère le pouvoir.

Wealth begets power.

Elle pense pouvoir le prouver.

She thinks she can prove it.

Je pense pouvoir faire ça.

I suppose I could do that.

J'aimerais pouvoir acheter la guitare.

I wish I could buy that guitar.