Vertaling van reculer
reculer {ww.}
to give ground
to blench
to move back
to recoil
to flinch
to blench
to move back
to recoil
to flinch
reculer, rétrogader {ww.}
to regress
to retrogress
to fall back
to retrogress
to fall back
reculer {ww.}
to step back
to walk backwards
to walk back
to walk backwards
to walk back
Veuillez reculer et rester derrière la ligne.
Please step back and keep behind the line.
reculer {ww.}
to backspace
to back up
to go backward
to recede
to back up
to go backward
to recede
ajourner, différer, reculer, renvoyer, retarder, suspendre {ww.}
Tu ne peux plus le différer.
You can't put off doing that any longer.
Nous avons été contraints de différer notre départ.
We were compelled to put off our departure.
Voorbeelden in zinsverband
Tu ferais mieux de reculer.
You'd better back off.
Ne pas avancer, c'est reculer.
Not to advance is to go back.
Veuillez reculer et rester derrière la ligne.
Please step back and keep behind the line.
Chaque année la biodiversité continue de reculer.
Biodiversity continues to decline each year.
Veux-tu reculer de quelques pas, je te prie.
You may want to take a few steps back.