Vertaling van disturbare


disturbare {ww.}
to disturb
to bother
to baffle 
to hamper
to inconvenience 
to irritate 
to hassle
to encumber
to annoy 
to trouble 
to hinder 
Non mi disturbare.
Don't disturb me.
Farò del mio meglio per non disturbare il tuo studio.
I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Non mi disturbare.

Don't disturb me.

Non disturbare i tuoi genitori con una cosa così futile.

Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing.

Tom non voleva disturbare Mary mentre stava studiando.

Tom didn't want to bother Mary while she was studying.

Farò del mio meglio per non disturbare il tuo studio.

I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.