Vertaling van pescare


pescare {ww.}
to fish 
to angle 
Lei ama pescare.
She loves to fish.
Gli piace pescare.
He loves to fish.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


A lui piace pescare.

He likes fishing.

Andai a pescare.

I went fishing.

Lei ama pescare.

She loves to fish.

Gli piace pescare.

He loves to fish.

Sono andate a pescare ieri.

They went fishing yesterday.

Venga con me a pescare.

Come along with me and go fishing.

Sono andata a pescare lunedì scorso.

I went fishing last Monday.

Ieri sono andato a pescare al fiume.

I went fishing in the river yesterday.

Noi andammo a pescare al lago.

We went fishing in the lake.

Fosse stato libero, sarebbe andato a pescare.

If he had been free, he would have gone fishing.

Vado spesso a pescare con loro.

I often go fishing with them.

Io andrò a pescare con lui.

I'm going fishing with him.

Tom andò a pescare, però non prese niente.

Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.

Lui andava sempre a pescare nel fiume quando era giovane.

He always went fishing at the river when he was young.

Lui andò a pescare in un fiume vicino al villaggio.

He went fishing in a river near the village.