Vertaling van er


aldaar, daar, ginder, ginds, daarginds, d'r, er, 'r {bw.}
over there

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Zolang er leven is, is er hoop.

While there is life, there is hope.

Zolang er leven is, is er hoop.

As long as there's life, there is hope.

Waar er leven is, is er hoop.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Is er een probleem?

Is there a problem?

Er was niemand daar.

There was nobody there.

Wie leest er?

Who is reading?

Er is niets veranderd.

Nothing has changed.

Er is geen toiletpapier.

There's no toilet paper.

John is er niet.

John isn't here.

Er stinkt hier iets.

Something stinks here.

Niemand komt er achter.

Nobody will know.

Er klopt iemand aan.

Someone's knocking at the door.

Wat ontbreekt er?

What's missing?

Vanochtend was er dauw.

The dew fell this morning.

Er is geen oplossing.

There isn't any solution.

Gerelateerd aan er

aldaar - daar - ginder - ginds - daarginds - d'r - 'r