Vervoeging van bivouac
Onbepaalde wijs (infinitief): to bivouac
Er is helaas geen Italiaanse vertaling gevonden.
- I bivouac
- you bivouac
- he/she/it bivouacs
- we bivouac
- you bivouac
- they bivouac
Present continuous
- I am bivouacing
- you are bivouacing
- he/she/it is bivouacing
- we are bivouacing
- you are bivouacing
- they are bivouacing
Simple past
- I bivouaced
- you bivouaced
- he/she/it bivouaced
- we bivouaced
- you bivouaced
- they bivouaced
Past continuous
- I was bivouacing
- you were bivouacing
- he/she/it was bivouacing
- we were bivouacing
- you were bivouacing
- they were bivouacing
Present perfect
- I have bivouaced
- you have bivouaced
- he/she/it has bivouaced
- we have bivouaced
- you have bivouaced
- they have bivouaced
Present perfect continuous
- I have been bivouacing
- you have been bivouacing
- he/she/it has been bivouacing
- we have been bivouacing
- you have been bivouacing
- they have been bivouacing
Past perfect
- I had bivouaced
- you had bivouaced
- he/she/it had bivouaced
- we had bivouaced
- you had bivouaced
- they had bivouaced
Past perfect continuous
- I had been bivouacing
- you had been bivouacing
- he/she/it had been bivouacing
- we had been bivouacing
- you had been bivouacing
- they had been bivouacing
- I will bivouac
- you will bivouac
- he/she/it will bivouac
- we will bivouac
- you will bivouac
- they will bivouac
Future continuous
- I will be bivouacing
- you will be bivouacing
- he/she/it will be bivouacing
- we will be bivouacing
- you will be bivouacing
- they will be bivouacing
Future perfect
- I will have bivouaced
- you will have bivouaced
- he/she/it will have bivouaced
- we will have bivouaced
- you will have bivouaced
- they will have bivouaced
Future perfect continuous
- I will have been bivouacing
- you will have been bivouacing
- he/she/it will have been bivouacing
- we will have been bivouacing
- you will have been bivouacing
- they will have been bivouacing
Conditional present
- I would bivouac
- you would bivouac
- he/she/it would bivouac
- we would bivouac
- you would bivouac
- they would bivouac
Conditional perfect
- I would have bivouaced
- you would have bivouaced
- he/she/it would have bivouaced
- we would have bivouaced
- you would have bivouaced
- they would have bivouaced
Conditional present progressive
- I would be bivouacing
- you would be bivouacing
- he/she/it would be bivouacing
- we would be bivouacing
- you would be bivouacing
- they would be bivouacing
Conditional perfect progressive
- I would have been bivouacing
- you would have been bivouacing
- he/she/it would have been bivouacing
- we would have been bivouacing
- you would have been bivouacing
- they would have been bivouacing
Present subjunctive
- I bivouac
- you bivouac
- he/she/it bivouac
- we bivouac
- you bivouac
- they bivouac
Past subjunctive
- I bivouaced
- you bivouaced
- he/she/it bivouaced
- we bivouaced
- you bivouaced
- they bivouaced
Past perfect subjunctive
- I had bivouaced
- you had bivouaced
- he/she/it had bivouaced
- we had bivouaced
- you had bivouaced
- they had bivouaced
- you bivouac
- we Let's bivouac
- you bivouac
Present participle
- bivouacing