Vervoeging van desterrar



Indicativo presente

  • yo destierro
  • destierras
  • él/ella destierra
  • nosotros desterramos
  • vosotros desterráis
  • ellos/ellas destierran


  • I exile
  • you exile
  • he/she/it exiles
  • we exile
  • you exile
  • they exile


  • yo desterré
  • desterraste
  • él/ella desterró
  • nosotros desterramos
  • vosotros desterrasteis
  • ellos/ellas desterraron

Simple past

  • I exiled
  • you exiled
  • he/she/it exiled
  • we exiled
  • you exiled
  • they exiled


  • yo desterraba
  • desterrabas
  • él/ella desterraba
  • nosotros desterrábamos
  • vosotros desterrabais
  • ellos/ellas desterraban

Past continuous

  • I was exiling
  • you were exiling
  • he/she/it was exiling
  • we were exiling
  • you were exiling
  • they were exiling

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he desterrado
  • has desterrado
  • él/ella ha desterrado
  • nosotros hemos desterrado
  • vosotros habéis desterrado
  • ellos/ellas han desterrado

Present perfect

  • I have exiled
  • you have exiled
  • he/she/it has exiled
  • we have exiled
  • you have exiled
  • they have exiled


  • yo había desterrado
  • habías desterrado
  • él/ella había desterrado
  • nosotros habíamos desterrado
  • vosotros habíais desterrado
  • ellos/ellas habían desterrado

Past perfect

  • I had exiled
  • you had exiled
  • he/she/it had exiled
  • we had exiled
  • you had exiled
  • they had exiled

Futuro I

  • yo desterraré
  • desterrarás
  • él/ella desterrará
  • nosotros desterraremos
  • vosotros desterraréis
  • ellos/ellas desterrarán


  • I will exile
  • you will exile
  • he/she/it will exile
  • we will exile
  • you will exile
  • they will exile

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré desterrado
  • habrás desterrado
  • él/ella habrá desterrado
  • nosotros habremos desterrado
  • vosotros habréis desterrado
  • ellos/ellas habrán desterrado

Future perfect

  • I will have exiled
  • you will have exiled
  • he/she/it will have exiled
  • we will have exiled
  • you will have exiled
  • they will have exiled


  • yo desterraría
  • desterrarías
  • él/ella desterraría
  • nosotros desterraríamos
  • vosotros desterraríais
  • ellos/ellas desterrarían

Conditional present

  • I would exile
  • you would exile
  • he/she/it would exile
  • we would exile
  • you would exile
  • they would exile

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría desterrado
  • habrías desterrado
  • él/ella habría desterrado
  • nosotros habríamos desterrado
  • vosotros habríais desterrado
  • ellos/ellas habrían desterrado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have exiled
  • you would have exiled
  • he/she/it would have exiled
  • we would have exiled
  • you would have exiled
  • they would have exiled


  • yo destierre
  • destierres
  • él/ella destierre
  • nosotros desterremos
  • vosotros desterréis
  • ellos/ellas destierren

Present subjunctive

  • I exile
  • you exile
  • he/she/it exile
  • we exile
  • you exile
  • they exile

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo desterrara
  • desterraras
  • él/ella desterrara
  • nosotros desterráramos
  • vosotros desterrarais
  • ellos/ellas desterraran

Past subjunctive

  • I exiled
  • you exiled
  • he/she/it exiled
  • we exiled
  • you exiled
  • they exiled

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera desterrado
  • hubieras desterrado
  • él/ella hubiera desterrado
  • nosotros hubiéramos desterrado
  • vosotros hubierais desterrado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran desterrado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had exiled
  • you had exiled
  • he/she/it had exiled
  • we had exiled
  • you had exiled
  • they had exiled

Imperativo presente

  • destierra
  • nosotros desterremos
  • vosotros desterrad


  • you exile
  • we Let´s exile
  • you exile