Vervoeging van entusiasmar

Vertaling: to enthuse



Indicativo presente

  • yo entusiasmo
  • entusiasmas
  • él/ella entusiasma
  • nosotros entusiasmamos
  • vosotros entusiasmáis
  • ellos/ellas entusiasman


  • I enthuse
  • you enthuse
  • he/she/it enthuses
  • we enthuse
  • you enthuse
  • they enthuse


  • yo entusiasmé
  • entusiasmaste
  • él/ella entusiasmó
  • nosotros entusiasmamos
  • vosotros entusiasmasteis
  • ellos/ellas entusiasmaron

Simple past

  • I enthused
  • you enthused
  • he/she/it enthused
  • we enthused
  • you enthused
  • they enthused


  • yo entusiasmaba
  • entusiasmabas
  • él/ella entusiasmaba
  • nosotros entusiasmábamos
  • vosotros entusiasmabais
  • ellos/ellas entusiasmaban

Past continuous

  • I was enthusing
  • you were enthusing
  • he/she/it was enthusing
  • we were enthusing
  • you were enthusing
  • they were enthusing

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he entusiasmado
  • has entusiasmado
  • él/ella ha entusiasmado
  • nosotros hemos entusiasmado
  • vosotros habéis entusiasmado
  • ellos/ellas han entusiasmado

Present perfect

  • I have enthused
  • you have enthused
  • he/she/it has enthused
  • we have enthused
  • you have enthused
  • they have enthused


  • yo había entusiasmado
  • habías entusiasmado
  • él/ella había entusiasmado
  • nosotros habíamos entusiasmado
  • vosotros habíais entusiasmado
  • ellos/ellas habían entusiasmado

Past perfect

  • I had enthused
  • you had enthused
  • he/she/it had enthused
  • we had enthused
  • you had enthused
  • they had enthused

Futuro I

  • yo entusiasmaré
  • entusiasmarás
  • él/ella entusiasmará
  • nosotros entusiasmaremos
  • vosotros entusiasmaréis
  • ellos/ellas entusiasmarán


  • I will enthuse
  • you will enthuse
  • he/she/it will enthuse
  • we will enthuse
  • you will enthuse
  • they will enthuse

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré entusiasmado
  • habrás entusiasmado
  • él/ella habrá entusiasmado
  • nosotros habremos entusiasmado
  • vosotros habréis entusiasmado
  • ellos/ellas habrán entusiasmado

Future perfect

  • I will have enthused
  • you will have enthused
  • he/she/it will have enthused
  • we will have enthused
  • you will have enthused
  • they will have enthused


  • yo entusiasmaría
  • entusiasmarías
  • él/ella entusiasmaría
  • nosotros entusiasmaríamos
  • vosotros entusiasmaríais
  • ellos/ellas entusiasmarían

Conditional present

  • I would enthuse
  • you would enthuse
  • he/she/it would enthuse
  • we would enthuse
  • you would enthuse
  • they would enthuse

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría entusiasmado
  • habrías entusiasmado
  • él/ella habría entusiasmado
  • nosotros habríamos entusiasmado
  • vosotros habríais entusiasmado
  • ellos/ellas habrían entusiasmado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have enthused
  • you would have enthused
  • he/she/it would have enthused
  • we would have enthused
  • you would have enthused
  • they would have enthused


  • yo entusiasme
  • entusiasmes
  • él/ella entusiasme
  • nosotros entusiasmemos
  • vosotros entusiasméis
  • ellos/ellas entusiasmen

Present subjunctive

  • I enthuse
  • you enthuse
  • he/she/it enthuse
  • we enthuse
  • you enthuse
  • they enthuse

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo entusiasmara
  • entusiasmaras
  • él/ella entusiasmara
  • nosotros entusiasmáramos
  • vosotros entusiasmarais
  • ellos/ellas entusiasmaran

Past subjunctive

  • I enthused
  • you enthused
  • he/she/it enthused
  • we enthused
  • you enthused
  • they enthused

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera entusiasmado
  • hubieras entusiasmado
  • él/ella hubiera entusiasmado
  • nosotros hubiéramos entusiasmado
  • vosotros hubierais entusiasmado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran entusiasmado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had enthused
  • you had enthused
  • he/she/it had enthused
  • we had enthused
  • you had enthused
  • they had enthused

Imperativo presente

  • entusiasma
  • nosotros entusiasmemos
  • vosotros entusiasmad


  • you enthuse
  • we Let´s enthuse
  • you enthuse