Vervoeging van oprimir



Indicativo presente

  • yo oprimo
  • oprimes
  • él/ella oprime
  • nosotros oprimimos
  • vosotros oprimís
  • ellos/ellas oprimen


  • I inhibit
  • you inhibit
  • he/she/it inhibits
  • we inhibit
  • you inhibit
  • they inhibit


  • yo oprimí
  • oprimiste
  • él/ella oprimió
  • nosotros oprimimos
  • vosotros oprimisteis
  • ellos/ellas oprimieron

Simple past

  • I inhibited
  • you inhibited
  • he/she/it inhibited
  • we inhibited
  • you inhibited
  • they inhibited


  • yo oprimía
  • oprimías
  • él/ella oprimía
  • nosotros oprimíamos
  • vosotros oprimíais
  • ellos/ellas oprimían

Past continuous

  • I was inhibiting
  • you were inhibiting
  • he/she/it was inhibiting
  • we were inhibiting
  • you were inhibiting
  • they were inhibiting

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he oprimido
  • has oprimido
  • él/ella ha oprimido
  • nosotros hemos oprimido
  • vosotros habéis oprimido
  • ellos/ellas han oprimido

Present perfect

  • I have inhibited
  • you have inhibited
  • he/she/it has inhibited
  • we have inhibited
  • you have inhibited
  • they have inhibited


  • yo había oprimido
  • habías oprimido
  • él/ella había oprimido
  • nosotros habíamos oprimido
  • vosotros habíais oprimido
  • ellos/ellas habían oprimido

Past perfect

  • I had inhibited
  • you had inhibited
  • he/she/it had inhibited
  • we had inhibited
  • you had inhibited
  • they had inhibited

Futuro I

  • yo oprimiré
  • oprimirás
  • él/ella oprimirá
  • nosotros oprimiremos
  • vosotros oprimiréis
  • ellos/ellas oprimirán


  • I will inhibit
  • you will inhibit
  • he/she/it will inhibit
  • we will inhibit
  • you will inhibit
  • they will inhibit

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré oprimido
  • habrás oprimido
  • él/ella habrá oprimido
  • nosotros habremos oprimido
  • vosotros habréis oprimido
  • ellos/ellas habrán oprimido

Future perfect

  • I will have inhibited
  • you will have inhibited
  • he/she/it will have inhibited
  • we will have inhibited
  • you will have inhibited
  • they will have inhibited


  • yo oprimiría
  • oprimirías
  • él/ella oprimiría
  • nosotros oprimiríamos
  • vosotros oprimiríais
  • ellos/ellas oprimirían

Conditional present

  • I would inhibit
  • you would inhibit
  • he/she/it would inhibit
  • we would inhibit
  • you would inhibit
  • they would inhibit

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría oprimido
  • habrías oprimido
  • él/ella habría oprimido
  • nosotros habríamos oprimido
  • vosotros habríais oprimido
  • ellos/ellas habrían oprimido

Conditional perfect

  • I would have inhibited
  • you would have inhibited
  • he/she/it would have inhibited
  • we would have inhibited
  • you would have inhibited
  • they would have inhibited


  • yo oprima
  • oprimas
  • él/ella oprima
  • nosotros oprimamos
  • vosotros oprimáis
  • ellos/ellas opriman

Present subjunctive

  • I inhibit
  • you inhibit
  • he/she/it inhibit
  • we inhibit
  • you inhibit
  • they inhibit

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo oprimiera
  • oprimieras
  • él/ella oprimiera
  • nosotros oprimiéramos
  • vosotros oprimierais
  • ellos/ellas oprimieran

Past subjunctive

  • I inhibited
  • you inhibited
  • he/she/it inhibited
  • we inhibited
  • you inhibited
  • they inhibited

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera oprimido
  • hubieras oprimido
  • él/ella hubiera oprimido
  • nosotros hubiéramos oprimido
  • vosotros hubierais oprimido
  • ellos/ellas hubieran oprimido

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had inhibited
  • you had inhibited
  • he/she/it had inhibited
  • we had inhibited
  • you had inhibited
  • they had inhibited

Imperativo presente

  • oprime
  • nosotros oprimamos
  • vosotros oprimid


  • you inhibit
  • we Let´s inhibit
  • you inhibit