Vervoeging van orientar



Indicativo presente

  • yo oriento
  • orientas
  • él/ella orienta
  • nosotros orientamos
  • vosotros orientáis
  • ellos/ellas orientan


  • I orientate
  • you orientate
  • he/she/it orientates
  • we orientate
  • you orientate
  • they orientate


  • yo orienté
  • orientaste
  • él/ella orientó
  • nosotros orientamos
  • vosotros orientasteis
  • ellos/ellas orientaron

Simple past

  • I orientated
  • you orientated
  • he/she/it orientated
  • we orientated
  • you orientated
  • they orientated


  • yo orientaba
  • orientabas
  • él/ella orientaba
  • nosotros orientábamos
  • vosotros orientabais
  • ellos/ellas orientaban

Past continuous

  • I was orientating
  • you were orientating
  • he/she/it was orientating
  • we were orientating
  • you were orientating
  • they were orientating

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he orientado
  • has orientado
  • él/ella ha orientado
  • nosotros hemos orientado
  • vosotros habéis orientado
  • ellos/ellas han orientado

Present perfect

  • I have orientated
  • you have orientated
  • he/she/it has orientated
  • we have orientated
  • you have orientated
  • they have orientated


  • yo había orientado
  • habías orientado
  • él/ella había orientado
  • nosotros habíamos orientado
  • vosotros habíais orientado
  • ellos/ellas habían orientado

Past perfect

  • I had orientated
  • you had orientated
  • he/she/it had orientated
  • we had orientated
  • you had orientated
  • they had orientated

Futuro I

  • yo orientaré
  • orientarás
  • él/ella orientará
  • nosotros orientaremos
  • vosotros orientaréis
  • ellos/ellas orientarán


  • I will orientate
  • you will orientate
  • he/she/it will orientate
  • we will orientate
  • you will orientate
  • they will orientate

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré orientado
  • habrás orientado
  • él/ella habrá orientado
  • nosotros habremos orientado
  • vosotros habréis orientado
  • ellos/ellas habrán orientado

Future perfect

  • I will have orientated
  • you will have orientated
  • he/she/it will have orientated
  • we will have orientated
  • you will have orientated
  • they will have orientated


  • yo orientaría
  • orientarías
  • él/ella orientaría
  • nosotros orientaríamos
  • vosotros orientaríais
  • ellos/ellas orientarían

Conditional present

  • I would orientate
  • you would orientate
  • he/she/it would orientate
  • we would orientate
  • you would orientate
  • they would orientate

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría orientado
  • habrías orientado
  • él/ella habría orientado
  • nosotros habríamos orientado
  • vosotros habríais orientado
  • ellos/ellas habrían orientado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have orientated
  • you would have orientated
  • he/she/it would have orientated
  • we would have orientated
  • you would have orientated
  • they would have orientated


  • yo oriente
  • orientes
  • él/ella oriente
  • nosotros orientemos
  • vosotros orientéis
  • ellos/ellas orienten

Present subjunctive

  • I orientate
  • you orientate
  • he/she/it orientate
  • we orientate
  • you orientate
  • they orientate

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo orientara
  • orientaras
  • él/ella orientara
  • nosotros orientáramos
  • vosotros orientarais
  • ellos/ellas orientaran

Past subjunctive

  • I orientated
  • you orientated
  • he/she/it orientated
  • we orientated
  • you orientated
  • they orientated

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera orientado
  • hubieras orientado
  • él/ella hubiera orientado
  • nosotros hubiéramos orientado
  • vosotros hubierais orientado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran orientado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had orientated
  • you had orientated
  • he/she/it had orientated
  • we had orientated
  • you had orientated
  • they had orientated

Imperativo presente

  • orienta
  • nosotros orientemos
  • vosotros orientad


  • you orientate
  • we Let´s orientate
  • you orientate