Vervoeging van combattere




  • io combatto
  • tu combatti
  • lui/lei/Lei combatte
  • noi combattiamo
  • voi/Voi combattete
  • loro/Loro combattono


  • I fight
  • you fight
  • he/she/it fights
  • we fight
  • you fight
  • they fight


  • io combattevo
  • tu combattevi
  • lui/lei/Lei combatteva
  • noi combattevamo
  • voi/Voi combattevate
  • loro/Loro combattevano

Simple past

  • I fought
  • you fought
  • he/she/it fought
  • we fought
  • you fought
  • they fought

Passato prossimo

  • io ho combattuto
  • tu hai combattuto
  • lui/lei/Lei ha combattuto
  • noi abbiamo combattuto
  • voi/Voi avete combattuto
  • loro/Loro hanno combattuto

Present perfect

  • I have fought
  • you have fought
  • he/she/it has fought
  • we have fought
  • you have fought
  • they have fought

Trapassato prossimo

  • io avevo combattuto
  • tu avevi combattuto
  • lui/lei/Lei aveva combattuto
  • noi avevamo combattuto
  • voi/Voi avevate combattuto
  • loro/Loro avevano combattuto

Past perfect

  • I had fought
  • you had fought
  • he/she/it had fought
  • we had fought
  • you had fought
  • they had fought

Futuro semplice

  • io combatterò
  • tu combatterai
  • lui/lei/Lei combatterà
  • noi combatteremo
  • voi/Voi combatterete
  • loro/Loro combatteranno


  • I will fight
  • you will fight
  • he/she/it will fight
  • we will fight
  • you will fight
  • they will fight

Futuro anteriore

  • io avrò combattuto
  • tu avrai combattuto
  • lui/lei/Lei avrà combattuto
  • noi avremo combattuto
  • voi/Voi avrete combattuto
  • loro/Loro avranno combattuto

Future perfect

  • I will have fought
  • you will have fought
  • he/she/it will have fought
  • we will have fought
  • you will have fought
  • they will have fought

Condizionale presente

  • io combatterei
  • tu combatteresti
  • lui/lei/Lei combatterebbe
  • noi combatteremmo
  • voi/Voi combattereste
  • loro/Loro combatterebbero

Conditional present

  • I would fight
  • you would fight
  • he/she/it would fight
  • we would fight
  • you would fight
  • they would fight

Condizionale passato

  • io avrei combattuto
  • tu avresti combattuto
  • lui/lei/Lei avrebbe combattuto
  • noi avremmo combattuto
  • voi/Voi avreste combattuto
  • loro/Loro avrebbero combattuto

Conditional perfect

  • I would have fought
  • you would have fought
  • he/she/it would have fought
  • we would have fought
  • you would have fought
  • they would have fought

Congiuntivo presente

  • io combatta
  • tu combatta
  • lui/lei/Lei combatta
  • noi combattiamo
  • voi/Voi combattiate
  • loro/Loro combattano

Present subjunctive

  • I fight
  • you fight
  • he/she/it fight
  • we fight
  • you fight
  • they fight

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io combattessi
  • tu combattessi
  • lui/lei/Lei combattesse
  • noi combattessimo
  • voi/Voi combatteste
  • loro/Loro combattessero

Past subjunctive

  • I fought
  • you fought
  • he/she/it fought
  • we fought
  • you fought
  • they fought

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io avessi combattuto
  • tu avessi combattuto
  • lui/lei/Lei avesse combattuto
  • noi avessimo combattuto
  • voi/Voi aveste combattuto
  • loro/Loro avessero combattuto

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had fought
  • you had fought
  • he/she/it had fought
  • we had fought
  • you had fought
  • they had fought


  • tu combatti
  • noi combattiamo
  • voi/Voi combattete


  • you fight
  • we Let´s fight
  • you fight