Vervoeging van dire




  • io dico
  • tu dici
  • lui/lei/Lei dice
  • noi diciamo
  • voi/Voi dite
  • loro/Loro dicono


  • I say
  • you say
  • he/she/it says
  • we say
  • you say
  • they say


  • io dicevo
  • tu dicevi
  • lui/lei/Lei diceva
  • noi dicevamo
  • voi/Voi dicevate
  • loro/Loro dicevano

Simple past

  • I said
  • you said
  • he/she/it said
  • we said
  • you said
  • they said

Passato prossimo

  • io ho detto
  • tu hai detto
  • lui/lei/Lei ha detto
  • noi abbiamo detto
  • voi/Voi avete detto
  • loro/Loro hanno detto

Present perfect

  • I have said
  • you have said
  • he/she/it has said
  • we have said
  • you have said
  • they have said

Trapassato prossimo

  • io avevo detto
  • tu avevi detto
  • lui/lei/Lei aveva detto
  • noi avevamo detto
  • voi/Voi avevate detto
  • loro/Loro avevano detto

Past perfect

  • I had said
  • you had said
  • he/she/it had said
  • we had said
  • you had said
  • they had said

Futuro semplice

  • io dirò
  • tu dirai
  • lui/lei/Lei dirà
  • noi diremo
  • voi/Voi direte
  • loro/Loro diranno


  • I will say
  • you will say
  • he/she/it will say
  • we will say
  • you will say
  • they will say

Futuro anteriore

  • io avrò detto
  • tu avrai detto
  • lui/lei/Lei avrà detto
  • noi avremo detto
  • voi/Voi avrete detto
  • loro/Loro avranno detto

Future perfect

  • I will have said
  • you will have said
  • he/she/it will have said
  • we will have said
  • you will have said
  • they will have said

Condizionale presente

  • io direi
  • tu diresti
  • lui/lei/Lei direbbe
  • noi diremmo
  • voi/Voi direste
  • loro/Loro direbbero

Conditional present

  • I would say
  • you would say
  • he/she/it would say
  • we would say
  • you would say
  • they would say

Condizionale passato

  • io avrei detto
  • tu avresti detto
  • lui/lei/Lei avrebbe detto
  • noi avremmo detto
  • voi/Voi avreste detto
  • loro/Loro avrebbero detto

Conditional perfect

  • I would have said
  • you would have said
  • he/she/it would have said
  • we would have said
  • you would have said
  • they would have said

Congiuntivo presente

  • io dica
  • tu dica
  • lui/lei/Lei dica
  • noi diciamo
  • voi/Voi diciate
  • loro/Loro dicano

Present subjunctive

  • I say
  • you say
  • he/she/it say
  • we say
  • you say
  • they say

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io dicessi
  • tu dicessi
  • lui/lei/Lei dicesse
  • noi dicessimo
  • voi/Voi diceste
  • loro/Loro dicessero

Past subjunctive

  • I said
  • you said
  • he/she/it said
  • we said
  • you said
  • they said

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io avessi detto
  • tu avessi detto
  • lui/lei/Lei avesse detto
  • noi avessimo detto
  • voi/Voi aveste detto
  • loro/Loro avessero detto

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had said
  • you had said
  • he/she/it had said
  • we had said
  • you had said
  • they had said


  • tu di'
  • noi diciamo
  • voi/Voi dite


  • you say
  • we Let´s say
  • you say