Vervoeging van investire




  • io investo
  • tu investi
  • lui/lei/Lei investe
  • noi investiamo
  • voi/Voi investite
  • loro/Loro investono


  • I invest
  • you invest
  • he/she/it invests
  • we invest
  • you invest
  • they invest


  • io investivo
  • tu investivi
  • lui/lei/Lei investiva
  • noi investivamo
  • voi/Voi investivate
  • loro/Loro investivano

Simple past

  • I invested
  • you invested
  • he/she/it invested
  • we invested
  • you invested
  • they invested

Passato prossimo

  • io ho investito
  • tu hai investito
  • lui/lei/Lei ha investito
  • noi abbiamo investito
  • voi/Voi avete investito
  • loro/Loro hanno investito

Present perfect

  • I have invested
  • you have invested
  • he/she/it has invested
  • we have invested
  • you have invested
  • they have invested

Trapassato prossimo

  • io avevo investito
  • tu avevi investito
  • lui/lei/Lei aveva investito
  • noi avevamo investito
  • voi/Voi avevate investito
  • loro/Loro avevano investito

Past perfect

  • I had invested
  • you had invested
  • he/she/it had invested
  • we had invested
  • you had invested
  • they had invested

Futuro semplice

  • io investirò
  • tu investirai
  • lui/lei/Lei investirà
  • noi investiremo
  • voi/Voi investirete
  • loro/Loro investiranno


  • I will invest
  • you will invest
  • he/she/it will invest
  • we will invest
  • you will invest
  • they will invest

Futuro anteriore

  • io avrò investito
  • tu avrai investito
  • lui/lei/Lei avrà investito
  • noi avremo investito
  • voi/Voi avrete investito
  • loro/Loro avranno investito

Future perfect

  • I will have invested
  • you will have invested
  • he/she/it will have invested
  • we will have invested
  • you will have invested
  • they will have invested

Condizionale presente

  • io investirei
  • tu investiresti
  • lui/lei/Lei investirebbe
  • noi investiremmo
  • voi/Voi investireste
  • loro/Loro investirebbero

Conditional present

  • I would invest
  • you would invest
  • he/she/it would invest
  • we would invest
  • you would invest
  • they would invest

Condizionale passato

  • io avrei investito
  • tu avresti investito
  • lui/lei/Lei avrebbe investito
  • noi avremmo investito
  • voi/Voi avreste investito
  • loro/Loro avrebbero investito

Conditional perfect

  • I would have invested
  • you would have invested
  • he/she/it would have invested
  • we would have invested
  • you would have invested
  • they would have invested

Congiuntivo presente

  • io investa
  • tu investa
  • lui/lei/Lei investa
  • noi investiamo
  • voi/Voi investiate
  • loro/Loro investano

Present subjunctive

  • I invest
  • you invest
  • he/she/it invest
  • we invest
  • you invest
  • they invest

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io investissi
  • tu investissi
  • lui/lei/Lei investisse
  • noi investissimo
  • voi/Voi investiste
  • loro/Loro investissero

Past subjunctive

  • I invested
  • you invested
  • he/she/it invested
  • we invested
  • you invested
  • they invested

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io avessi investito
  • tu avessi investito
  • lui/lei/Lei avesse investito
  • noi avessimo investito
  • voi/Voi aveste investito
  • loro/Loro avessero investito

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had invested
  • you had invested
  • he/she/it had invested
  • we had invested
  • you had invested
  • they had invested


  • tu investi
  • noi investiamo
  • voi/Voi investite


  • you invest
  • we Let´s invest
  • you invest