Vervoeging van pensare

Vertaling: to think




  • io penso
  • tu pensi
  • lui/lei/Lei pensa
  • noi pensiamo
  • voi/Voi pensate
  • loro/Loro pensano


  • I think
  • you think
  • he/she/it thinks
  • we think
  • you think
  • they think


  • io pensavo
  • tu pensavi
  • lui/lei/Lei pensava
  • noi pensavamo
  • voi/Voi pensavate
  • loro/Loro pensavano

Simple past

  • I thought
  • you thought
  • he/she/it thought
  • we thought
  • you thought
  • they thought

Passato prossimo

  • io ho pensato
  • tu hai pensato
  • lui/lei/Lei ha pensato
  • noi abbiamo pensato
  • voi/Voi avete pensato
  • loro/Loro hanno pensato

Present perfect

  • I have thought
  • you have thought
  • he/she/it has thought
  • we have thought
  • you have thought
  • they have thought

Trapassato prossimo

  • io avevo pensato
  • tu avevi pensato
  • lui/lei/Lei aveva pensato
  • noi avevamo pensato
  • voi/Voi avevate pensato
  • loro/Loro avevano pensato

Past perfect

  • I had thought
  • you had thought
  • he/she/it had thought
  • we had thought
  • you had thought
  • they had thought

Futuro semplice

  • io penserò
  • tu penserai
  • lui/lei/Lei penserà
  • noi penseremo
  • voi/Voi penserete
  • loro/Loro penseranno


  • I will think
  • you will think
  • he/she/it will think
  • we will think
  • you will think
  • they will think

Futuro anteriore

  • io avrò pensato
  • tu avrai pensato
  • lui/lei/Lei avrà pensato
  • noi avremo pensato
  • voi/Voi avrete pensato
  • loro/Loro avranno pensato

Future perfect

  • I will have thought
  • you will have thought
  • he/she/it will have thought
  • we will have thought
  • you will have thought
  • they will have thought

Condizionale presente

  • io penserei
  • tu penseresti
  • lui/lei/Lei penserebbe
  • noi penseremmo
  • voi/Voi pensereste
  • loro/Loro penserebbero

Conditional present

  • I would think
  • you would think
  • he/she/it would think
  • we would think
  • you would think
  • they would think

Condizionale passato

  • io avrei pensato
  • tu avresti pensato
  • lui/lei/Lei avrebbe pensato
  • noi avremmo pensato
  • voi/Voi avreste pensato
  • loro/Loro avrebbero pensato

Conditional perfect

  • I would have thought
  • you would have thought
  • he/she/it would have thought
  • we would have thought
  • you would have thought
  • they would have thought

Congiuntivo presente

  • io pensi
  • tu pensi
  • lui/lei/Lei pensi
  • noi pensiamo
  • voi/Voi pensiate
  • loro/Loro pensino

Present subjunctive

  • I think
  • you think
  • he/she/it think
  • we think
  • you think
  • they think

Congiuntivo imperfetto

  • io pensassi
  • tu pensassi
  • lui/lei/Lei pensasse
  • noi pensassimo
  • voi/Voi pensaste
  • loro/Loro pensassero

Past subjunctive

  • I thought
  • you thought
  • he/she/it thought
  • we thought
  • you thought
  • they thought

Congiuntivo trapassato

  • io avessi pensato
  • tu avessi pensato
  • lui/lei/Lei avesse pensato
  • noi avessimo pensato
  • voi/Voi aveste pensato
  • loro/Loro avessero pensato

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had thought
  • you had thought
  • he/she/it had thought
  • we had thought
  • you had thought
  • they had thought


  • tu pensa
  • noi pensiamo
  • voi/Voi pensate


  • you think
  • we Let´s think
  • you think