Vervoeging van apostar



Indicativo presente

  • yo apuesto
  • apuestas
  • él/ella apuesta
  • nosotros apostamos
  • vosotros apostáis
  • ellos/ellas apuestan


  • I bet
  • you bet
  • he/she/it bets
  • we bet
  • you bet
  • they bet


  • yo aposté
  • apostaste
  • él/ella apostó
  • nosotros apostamos
  • vosotros apostasteis
  • ellos/ellas apostaron

Simple past

  • I betted; bet
  • you betted; bet
  • he/she/it betted; bet
  • we betted; bet
  • you betted; bet
  • they betted; bet


  • yo apostaba
  • apostabas
  • él/ella apostaba
  • nosotros apostábamos
  • vosotros apostabais
  • ellos/ellas apostaban

Past continuous

  • I was betting
  • you were betting
  • he/she/it was betting
  • we were betting
  • you were betting
  • they were betting

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he apostado
  • has apostado
  • él/ella ha apostado
  • nosotros hemos apostado
  • vosotros habéis apostado
  • ellos/ellas han apostado

Present perfect

  • I have betted; bet
  • you have betted; bet
  • he/she/it has betted; bet
  • we have betted; bet
  • you have betted; bet
  • they have betted; bet


  • yo había apostado
  • habías apostado
  • él/ella había apostado
  • nosotros habíamos apostado
  • vosotros habíais apostado
  • ellos/ellas habían apostado

Past perfect

  • I had betted; bet
  • you had betted; bet
  • he/she/it had betted; bet
  • we had betted; bet
  • you had betted; bet
  • they had betted; bet

Futuro I

  • yo apostaré
  • apostarás
  • él/ella apostará
  • nosotros apostaremos
  • vosotros apostaréis
  • ellos/ellas apostarán


  • I will bet
  • you will bet
  • he/she/it will bet
  • we will bet
  • you will bet
  • they will bet

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré apostado
  • habrás apostado
  • él/ella habrá apostado
  • nosotros habremos apostado
  • vosotros habréis apostado
  • ellos/ellas habrán apostado

Future perfect

  • I will have betted; bet
  • you will have betted; bet
  • he/she/it will have betted; bet
  • we will have betted; bet
  • you will have betted; bet
  • they will have betted; bet


  • yo apostaría
  • apostarías
  • él/ella apostaría
  • nosotros apostaríamos
  • vosotros apostaríais
  • ellos/ellas apostarían

Conditional present

  • I would bet
  • you would bet
  • he/she/it would bet
  • we would bet
  • you would bet
  • they would bet

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría apostado
  • habrías apostado
  • él/ella habría apostado
  • nosotros habríamos apostado
  • vosotros habríais apostado
  • ellos/ellas habrían apostado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have betted; bet
  • you would have betted; bet
  • he/she/it would have betted; bet
  • we would have betted; bet
  • you would have betted; bet
  • they would have betted; bet


  • yo apueste
  • apuestes
  • él/ella apueste
  • nosotros apostemos
  • vosotros apostéis
  • ellos/ellas apuesten

Present subjunctive

  • I bet
  • you bet
  • he/she/it bet
  • we bet
  • you bet
  • they bet

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo apostara
  • apostaras
  • él/ella apostara
  • nosotros apostáramos
  • vosotros apostarais
  • ellos/ellas apostaran

Past subjunctive

  • I betted; bet
  • you betted; bet
  • he/she/it betted; bet
  • we betted; bet
  • you betted; bet
  • they betted; bet

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera apostado
  • hubieras apostado
  • él/ella hubiera apostado
  • nosotros hubiéramos apostado
  • vosotros hubierais apostado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran apostado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had betted; bet
  • you had betted; bet
  • he/she/it had betted; bet
  • we had betted; bet
  • you had betted; bet
  • they had betted; bet

Imperativo presente

  • apuesta
  • nosotros apostemos
  • vosotros apostad


  • you bet
  • we Let's bet
  • you bet