Vervoeging van castrar



Indicativo presente

  • yo castro
  • castras
  • él/ella castra
  • nosotros castramos
  • vosotros castráis
  • ellos/ellas castran


  • I castrate
  • you castrate
  • he/she/it castrates
  • we castrate
  • you castrate
  • they castrate


  • yo castré
  • castraste
  • él/ella castró
  • nosotros castramos
  • vosotros castrasteis
  • ellos/ellas castraron

Simple past

  • I castrated
  • you castrated
  • he/she/it castrated
  • we castrated
  • you castrated
  • they castrated


  • yo castraba
  • castrabas
  • él/ella castraba
  • nosotros castrábamos
  • vosotros castrabais
  • ellos/ellas castraban

Past continuous

  • I was castrating
  • you were castrating
  • he/she/it was castrating
  • we were castrating
  • you were castrating
  • they were castrating

Pretérito perfecto compuesto

  • yo he castrado
  • has castrado
  • él/ella ha castrado
  • nosotros hemos castrado
  • vosotros habéis castrado
  • ellos/ellas han castrado

Present perfect

  • I have castrated
  • you have castrated
  • he/she/it has castrated
  • we have castrated
  • you have castrated
  • they have castrated


  • yo había castrado
  • habías castrado
  • él/ella había castrado
  • nosotros habíamos castrado
  • vosotros habíais castrado
  • ellos/ellas habían castrado

Past perfect

  • I had castrated
  • you had castrated
  • he/she/it had castrated
  • we had castrated
  • you had castrated
  • they had castrated

Futuro I

  • yo castraré
  • castrarás
  • él/ella castrará
  • nosotros castraremos
  • vosotros castraréis
  • ellos/ellas castrarán


  • I will castrate
  • you will castrate
  • he/she/it will castrate
  • we will castrate
  • you will castrate
  • they will castrate

Futuro perfecto

  • yo habré castrado
  • habrás castrado
  • él/ella habrá castrado
  • nosotros habremos castrado
  • vosotros habréis castrado
  • ellos/ellas habrán castrado

Future perfect

  • I will have castrated
  • you will have castrated
  • he/she/it will have castrated
  • we will have castrated
  • you will have castrated
  • they will have castrated


  • yo castraría
  • castrarías
  • él/ella castraría
  • nosotros castraríamos
  • vosotros castraríais
  • ellos/ellas castrarían

Conditional present

  • I would castrate
  • you would castrate
  • he/she/it would castrate
  • we would castrate
  • you would castrate
  • they would castrate

Condicional perfecto

  • yo habría castrado
  • habrías castrado
  • él/ella habría castrado
  • nosotros habríamos castrado
  • vosotros habríais castrado
  • ellos/ellas habrían castrado

Conditional perfect

  • I would have castrated
  • you would have castrated
  • he/she/it would have castrated
  • we would have castrated
  • you would have castrated
  • they would have castrated


  • yo castre
  • castres
  • él/ella castre
  • nosotros castremos
  • vosotros castréis
  • ellos/ellas castren

Present subjunctive

  • I castrate
  • you castrate
  • he/she/it castrate
  • we castrate
  • you castrate
  • they castrate

Imperfecto del subjuntivo

  • yo castrara
  • castraras
  • él/ella castrara
  • nosotros castráramos
  • vosotros castrarais
  • ellos/ellas castraran

Past subjunctive

  • I castrated
  • you castrated
  • he/she/it castrated
  • we castrated
  • you castrated
  • they castrated

Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo

  • yo hubiera castrado
  • hubieras castrado
  • él/ella hubiera castrado
  • nosotros hubiéramos castrado
  • vosotros hubierais castrado
  • ellos/ellas hubieran castrado

Past perfect subjunctive

  • I had castrated
  • you had castrated
  • he/she/it had castrated
  • we had castrated
  • you had castrated
  • they had castrated

Imperativo presente

  • castra
  • nosotros castremos
  • vosotros castrad


  • you castrate
  • we Let´s castrate
  • you castrate